Thursday, May 19, 2011

Firefox Addons: FromWhereToWhere Updates

FromWhereToWhere 0.23.2


Browsing history searching: list the pages from where you visited one page, and all the other pages you visited from those pages. Keywords searching, Scrapbook support, naive sharing.

New Updates for FromWhereToWhere Firefox Addons. People amazed for this addons where you can search and track your recent history. Updates was did last May 18, 2011. This Firefox Addons works on Firefox 3.5 - 4.0.* 

Heres the HOWTO:

Open the tree view in a new tab by "Tools -> FromWhereToWhere" when your current page is the one you want to see where-from and where-to links. You can search for the pages with titles that have all the keywords you input.

In the tree view, a node can be expanded if there are URLs that you visited from the URL it stands for. As expanding is recursively performed, the total number of descents can be thousands, and suspension points mean the querying is in progress. You can open a URL by right click on the node -> "open in new tab", or simple double click.

If according to your browsing history, current URL is linked from nowhere, a node stands for the current URL will display in the view. If no page title has all the search terms, the opened view will suggest that no results be found.

 You can Download and Install FromWhereToWhere here 

If you still have problem on installing the Addons, Firefox 4.0 download

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